Lemongrass Essential Oil- Comparison of 3 Companies

I have read that Lemongrass Essential Oil is great for muscle pain, killing bacteria, warding off insects and balancing. My extent of knowledge on (lemongrass) is in food, so I thought, if I love cooking with it, why not discuss/explore/research further?

To me, it has a lemony scent that is really woodsy/grassy. My favorite way of consuming lemongrass, is in Tom Kha soup. That combination of coconut milk, cilantro and flavoring wins my heart every time. Now that I mentioned it, I think that I am going to have to pick up some for Chris and I. Too yummy not to go out and get a fresh bowl at our favorite Thai restaurant, just a few miles down the road.

I do get migraines from time to time, which I think is partially due to Crohn’s and partially environmental/stress. Mixing lemongrass with a couple drops of ylang ylang and lavender seems to work on occasion. Sometimes throwing copaiba over the top to drive it in, works too. Other times, just puking my brains out and sleeping 8hrs works the best.

Talk about Crohn’s- the explosive diarrhea is no bueno. There are times that the Tom Kha soup helps- which means lemongrass must be doing it’s thing in my intestines. But, there are other times that swallowing a box of Imodium works better. That’s just the funny part of having this intestinal issue. You just never know what a new day will bring.

Skincare and hair health is important too. When researching Lemongrass further for this post, I found that there is a possibility it can strengthen hair follicles and work awesome as an astringent. Well, why not try? Add a couple drops to your scalp while in the shower if you are suffering from hair loss or just want shiny hair. Use some diluted with witch hazel as a skin refresher or toner mid day.

Here are the 3 that I purchased or received free with order:

Mountain Rose Herbs Pricing:
15mL $4.50USD
1oz $8.00USD
Steam distilled method. Heavy scented towards the grassy properties.

Young Living Pricing 15mL:
Retail: $14.80 USD
Wholesale: $11.25 USD
Per their website, it is from SE Asia and the leaves & woody stalks are distilled

Saffron Spalon:
15mL: $12.95USD
Grass is steam distilled & from India

For the Mountain Rose Lemongrass, I detect A LOT of “grassiness.” Couldn’t necessarily wear as a scent alone for the day. So, I mixed up 2 drops of lemongrass, 2 drops palmarosa and 2 drops bergamot. That seemed to take away the “grass” that I didn’t like with my body’s chemistry. The trio did smell uplifting. When I added to a diffuser by itself, it just needed a few extra drops of Lemon to really make the kitchen smell to die for.

Young Living’s Lemongrass I received for free with a recent order. Free is always awesome! But, it is even better when smells amazing. This one I could just add some coconut oil and make for a great post workout massage.

Saffron Spalon’s Lemongrass is amazing all on it’s own, just like Young Living. Between YL and SS, I can’t decide which one I like better. I guess you could say it is a dupe for each other. It is perfect for my car diffuser, home diffusers, you name it!

As always, be careful when sniffing anything and using essential oils. Research for yourself. These are only my findings. I encourage you to find out for yourself on your quest for healthier living. Let me know in the comments below which company is your favorite for Lemongrass Essential Oil! Or, is there another company I should look into?






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