Thursday Thoughts- When you get more than 2 people in a room, there’s going to be politics

One should never voice or promote their ideas without listening to others. Don’t fight it.

Instead, take it as a time to learn more about someone else. Read between the lines. Someone might just be attempting to exert their power and influence. No need to be caught off guard.

Try protect the interests of others that are not as vocal. No bullying allowed!


2 thoughts on “Thursday Thoughts- When you get more than 2 people in a room, there’s going to be politics

  1. There is an urban legend about the Japanese corporate chairman who walked into the boardroom. Instead of spending the meeting talking about his ideas, he set the agenda so that the youngest and least experienced managers spoke first. If he spoke at all, he spoke last, instead preferring to preside over everyone else as they worked through their own problems. In the end, he built a dominant and dynamic company that always came up with innovative ideas. His company bought out the competition and, ultimately, set the standards for business practice in his industry.

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